
IACA seminar features Luis Moreno Ocampo

The next IACA “Best of” seminar will take place from 8 to 9 July with Luis Moreno Ocampo, former Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. For its flagship Master in Anti-Corruption Studies (MACS) programme that starts in October 2015 the International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA) is accepting applications until 30 June 2015.
Von Redaktion
16. Juni 2015

Best of Luis Moreno Ocampo seminar at IACA—registration deadline 15 June (extended)

Luis Moreno Ocampo, the first Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) from 2003 – 2012 and a regular lecturer at IACA, will be back at IACA on 8 and 9 July to deliver a seminar on the “best of” his vast experiences. Registrations close on 15 June (extended).

Mr. Ocampo is an expert in investigating and prosecuting grand corruption cases. Under his leadership, the ICC developed into an international force of justice and presented charges against some of the most heinous human rights violators of the 21st century.

Years before, in his native Argentina, he was involved in the precedent-setting prosecution of military commanders in the Junta Trials, the first trials of war crimes since Nuremberg, as well as dozens of grand corruption cases.

For more information on IACA’s Best of Luis Moreno Ocampo seminar, please click here.

Master in Anti-Corruption Studies at IACA—Application Deadline 30 June

The International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA) is accepting applications until 30 June 2015 for its flagship Master in Anti-Corruption Studies (MACS) programme that starts in October 2015. The MACS is a two-year in-career programme designed for working professionals with at least three years of experience in anti-corruption and/or compliance (a law degree is not a prerequisite). Classes are taught by an international “Who’s Who” in anti-corruption and compliance (see the list of faculty at The international programme consists of seven intensive two-week in-class modules, with self-study periods and assignments before and after classes, to be concluded by a thesis and defensio thereof. The total tuition for two years is €28,500 and includes, inter alia, materials, access to e-library, catering at IACA, examination fees, etc.

The MACS programme is formally accredited under the laws of IACA‘s seat state, Austria, in accordance with the European Bologna Process. MACS graduates will receive a Master of Arts degree (M.A.) in Anti-Corruption Studies, which includes 120 credits (European Credit Transfer System) and enables enrolment in Ph.D. programmes.

For more information, please visit


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Die LexisNexis Österreich & Compliance Praxis-Redaktion versorgt Sie regelmäßig mit aktuellen News und Informationen aus der Compliance-Welt. Unser Ziel ist es, Ihre tägliche Arbeit bestmöglich zu ...

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For its flagship Master in Anti-Corruption Studies (MACS) programme that starts in October 2015 the International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA) is accepting applications until 30 June 2015.\"/>\n\n <meta property=\"og:image\" content=\"/Themen/Aktuelles_Meinung/Archiv/IACA-Logo-RGB.bmp.jpg\"/>\n <meta property=\"og:image:height\" content=\"425\"/>\n <meta property=\"og:image:width\" content=\"1374\"/>\n <meta property=\"og:site_name\" content=\"CompliancePraxis\"/>\n <meta property=\"og:url\" content=\"/Themen/Aktuelles_Meinung/Archiv/IACA_seminar_features_Luis_Moreno_Ocampo.html\"/>\n <meta property=\"og:type\" content=\"website\"/>\n <meta property=\"og:locale\" content=\"de_DE\">\n <meta property=\"og:description\" content=\"The next IACA “Best of” seminar will take place from 8 to 9 July with Luis Moreno Ocampo, former Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. For its flagship Master in Anti-Corruption Studies (MACS) programme that starts in October 2015 the International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA) is accepting applications until 30 June 2015.\"/>\n","title":"IACA seminar features Luis Moreno Ocampo","teaser":"The next IACA “Best of” seminar will take place from 8 to 9 July with Luis Moreno Ocampo, former Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. For its flagship Master in Anti-Corruption Studies (MACS) programme that starts in October 2015 the International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA) is accepting applications until 30 June 2015.","pagecontent":"<p><b>Best of Luis Moreno Ocampo seminar at IACA—registration deadline </b><b>15 June (extended)</b></p> \n<p> Luis Moreno Ocampo, the first Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) from 2003 – 2012 and a regular lecturer at IACA, will be back at IACA on 8 and 9 July to deliver a seminar on the “best of” his vast experiences. <b>Registrations close on 15 June</b> (extended). </p> \n<p> Mr. Ocampo is an expert in investigating and prosecuting grand corruption cases. Under his leadership, the ICC developed into an international force of justice and presented charges against some of the most heinous human rights violators of the 21st century. </p> \n<p> Years before, in his native Argentina, he was involved in the precedent-setting prosecution of military commanders in the Junta Trials, the first trials of war crimes since Nuremberg, as well as dozens of grand corruption cases. </p> \n<p> For more information on IACA’s <b>Best of Luis Moreno Ocampo seminar</b>, please <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">click here</a>. </p> \n<p><b>Master in Anti-Corruption Studies at IACA—Application Deadline</b> <b>30 June</b></p> \n<p> The International Anti-Corruption Academy (IACA) is accepting applications until <b>30 June 2015</b> for its flagship <b>Master in Anti-Corruption Studies (MACS)</b> programme that starts in October 2015. The MACS is a two-year in-career programme designed for working professionals with at least three years of experience in anti-corruption and/or compliance (a law degree is not a prerequisite). Classes are taught by an international “Who’s Who” in anti-corruption and compliance (see the list of faculty at The international programme consists of seven intensive two-week in-class modules, with self-study periods and assignments before and after classes, to be concluded by a thesis and <i>defensio</i> thereof. The total tuition for two years is €28,500 and includes, inter alia, materials, access to e-library, catering at IACA, examination fees, etc. </p> \n<p> The MACS programme is formally accredited under the laws of IACA‘s seat state, Austria, in accordance with the European Bologna Process. MACS graduates will receive a Master of Arts degree (M.A.) in Anti-Corruption Studies, which includes 120 credits (European Credit Transfer System) and enables enrolment in Ph.D. programmes. </p> \n<p> For more information, please visit <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>. </p>","sidecolumn":null,"storiesmain":null,"storiesoverview":null,"headerimage":"","headertitle":"<h1 class=\"contentheader \">IACA seminar features Luis Moreno Ocampo</h1>","stoerercontainer":null,"stoerercontainer2":null,"stoererwerbebanner":"","insiderheads":null,"overviewunternehmenimage":null,"overviewunternehmentitle":null,"buttonviewall1":null,"buttonviewall2":null,"superelement":null,"topstory":null,"netzwerkpartnerlogoleiste":"","metadata":"<div class=\"info\"><eval>>partials/themes-startpage/newsauthors data=(renderNewsAuthors \"26\" userinfo)</eval>\n<br>16. 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