
Jan Tadeusz Stappers LL.M., PGDip, CIPP/E

Associate Partner Development Director bei Navex Global


Jan Tadeusz Stappers is senior manager partnerships for NAVEX Global’s digital whistleblowing solution, WhistleB. More than 10,000 organisations and 50 million employees globally rely on NAVEX Global’s whistleblowing solutions every day to safely report and manage their workplace concerns. Jan is a frequent speaker on subjects related to whistleblower protection and whistleblowing management. He is engaged in development of the new ISO 37002 Standard on whistleblowing management systems. Jan has authored various articles on new legislation concerning whistleblower protection and organisational whistleblowing best practices. Jan holds a Postgraduate Diploma (PGDip) from King's College London in the United Kingdom (EU Competition Law) and a Master’s Degree (LL.M.) from Leiden University in the Netherlands (European Law). He is Certified Information Privacy Professional (CIPP/E) with the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP).


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